
  • Event Categories

  • Location

  • Athletic Schedules

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 28
  2. 29
  3. 30
  4. 31
  5. 1

    Away vs Ceiba at St. Francis SCP Gym

    Basketball - Boys vs Ceiba

    Home vs Ceiba

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    Basketball - Girls vs Ceiba
  6. 2

    Home vs KC

    Playing Fields - Upper East Field
    Soccer - Girls vs King City

    Away at Oakwood

    Soccer - Boys vs Oakwood
  7. 3
  1. 4
  2. 5

    Away at TC

    Basketball - Boys vs Trinity Christian
  3. 6

    Home vs PG

    Soccer - Girls vs Pacific Grove
  4. 7

    Home vs Anzar

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    Basketball - Boys vs Anzar
  5. 8

    Forum: Lunar New Year

    Home vs Trinity Christian

    Soccer - Boys vs Trinity Christian

    Home vs NMC

    Playing Fields - Upper East Field

    Home vs Ceiba

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    Basketball - Girls vs Ceiba
  6. 9

    Away at Marina

    Soccer - Boys vs Marina

    Home vs Anzar

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    Basketball - Girls vs Anzar
  7. 10

    Away at St. Francis SCP

    Soccer - Girls vs Saint Francis SCP
  1. 11
  2. 12

    York Science Fair

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    Student Presentations in the gym for judges and general community

    Away at Catalina

    Soccer - Girls vs Santa Catalina

    Home vs Oakwood

    Playing Fields - Upper West Field
    Soccer - Boys vs Oakwood

    Away at Oakwood

    Basketball - Girls vs Oakwood
  3. 13

    York Science Fair

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    York Science Fair is a showcase for Science Fair projects completed by York students during the 2023-2024 school year.
  4. 14

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.

    York Science Fair

    Coburn Gym - GYM - GYM
    York Science Fair is a showcase for Science Fair projects completed by York students during the 2023-2024 school year.
  5. 15

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.
  6. 16

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.
  7. 17

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.

    York Admission Assessment

    Bishop Library - Library - LIB
  1. 18

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.
  2. 19

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.
  3. 20

    Arts Trip to New York City

    New York City
    York School has the opportunity to perform in the musical CHILDREN OF EDEN at David Geffen Hall on February 18th, 2024 in Lincoln Center, New York City. This trip is available to all York students.
  4. 21

    Preseason Match vs Palma & Salinas

    Golf - Boys and Girls
    vs Salinas
  5. 24
  1. 25
  2. 28

    Away at Palma/ND

    Swimming - Girls & Boys vs Palma
  3. 1
  4. 2

York School

9501 York Road
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: 831-372-7338
We inspire and prepare a diverse community of creative, independent thinkers.
Since 1959, York School has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create and try new things; and preparing them to be passionate contributors in college and in life.